Our Services

Our Services

How We Add Value

The importance of adding value

Value is something we are all focused on, and something that here at Direct Search we like to discuss right from the beginning of our relationship with you. All of our services have a common thread, ‘adding value’. By introducing the right people our client partners benefit from significant return on investment, whilst individuals are able to take the next progressive step in their career.

Services that deliver a return on investment

We add value by delivering a range of solutions that focus on a certain return on investment;


  • Executive Search
    Executive Search is a highly specialised recruitment service used to help you source candidates for senior, executive or other highly specialised positions. Our team work together to use their expertise in this area, professionally identifying and approaching the ‘passive’ individuals that are not registered on a database. We represent the most suitable people ‘in’ the market, not ‘on’ the market.

  • Engaged Search
    Similar to Executive Search, Engaged Search includes specific time frames whereby we must complete the project or the initial engagement payment is returned.
  • Advertised Selection
    Based on individual client requirements, we create an advertising strategy for your campaign, develop content, select the appropriate advertising platforms, and measures results across all media channels.
  • Contingency Search
    We believe we can present the best candidate or candidates, and that we can do this in a timely manner faster than other channels. In hard to fill positions, chances are there will only be a few candidates out there qualified for the position. This is where our extensive contacts and relationships come into play.
  • Interim Management
    Change within a business is inevitable and essential. When periods of transition occur we can help with the provision of highly skilled and experienced Interim Managers. Interim Management can be seen as the fixed term engagement of a proven heavyweight executive to manage such periods.
  • Project Management 
    Recruitment projects, involving multiple hires, tend to be multi-faceted and complex by nature. Our team are experienced in pre-campaign analysis and workforce planning and can manage your entire project from start to finish.
  • Salary Survey 
    Salary Surveys are tools used to determine the median or average compensation paid to employees in one or more jobs. Data, collected from several employers, is analysed to develop an understanding of the amount of compensation paid. We provide the undertaking of a salary survey as a bespoke service.

Whether you’re an employer interested in working with us, or you’re an individual with aspirations of progressing in your career, get in touch with us today.

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